Friday, September 23, 2011

How do you?

How do you learn to live with an emotionally absent person.
       Don't get me wrong, I love him. More than he will ever know but two tours to Iraq have left him emotionally disconnected. He never talked about his feelings, what was wrong, or any emotions. When you made him mad did not want to talk about it. It was a chalange to keep him , I guess, envolved before, but now it is almost impossible. I try so hard and the harder I try the madder he gets then it is down here from there. I do not know what to do to help or to make it better.

How do you live with no affection.
        Again he has never been that affectionate, was never a really lovey person, maybe got a hug and kiss once or twice a week, I could live with that. But now I have to ask for a kiss everytime, and a hug, when I do get one he acts like the only thing he wants to do is let go as fast as possible. As for the rest of it little to non comes may way, if you know what I am saying.

I am having a hard time dealling with it, I am trying to be understanding. I understand why he is this way, and that it is normal ( if any of this could be considered normal). I am truely trying my best and I know that I will learn to live with it but for now it is very difficult.

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